Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My class schedule

Class schedules in the UK are quite different than those to which I've been accustomed.  Every single day is different within a two week cycle.  I will no longer be teaching a level (Honors, AP B, AP C) in which there is a mix of students from different grades.  Every class I  teach is a single year group, and students within the year group are arranged by ability into different sets.  So, on Monday, I start by teaching Year 11 set 2 during 1st period (in Physics lab 2, which is my room).  I also see them on Friday during 6th period and on Saturday during 3rd period.  It's scattered all over the place. But, at least I am the only teacher that sees them.  My year 12 sets are shared, meaning that they will see me for lessons on some days and other physics teachers on other days.  We split the curriculum among us, so I am only responsible for covering specific material.  It's easier that way than overlapping.  

Overall, I see 9 sets of kids for a total of 21 lessons in a week.  Apparently, that's normal.  I seriously have no way to judge.  A few teachers had asked me in the past few weeks how many lessons I teach, and I didn't know how to answer them.  My friend in London asked if I was happy with the number of lessons I was teaching, and I didn't know what was normal.  For 13 years, I taught the same schedule everyday, and that schedule was arranged by the type of course.  Last year, I taught 4 courses (AP Physics B, AP Physics C Mechanics, AP Physics C Electricity & Magnetism, and Pre-AP Phys/Chem).  I had one class of each AP and 2 classes of Pre-AP, giving me 5 total groups of kids to teach.  Now I essentially have 4 courses again (Year 9, Year 10, Year 11, and Year 12), but 9 total groups of kids to teach.  My smallest class, year 12 set AA, has 6 students.  My largest class, year 10 set 1, has 24 students.  Most of my classes have about 21 students.  

This will definitely take some getting used to.  

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