I am thankful for having a fully intact family. I have taught many people whose families either split apart or lost a member, so I don't take for granted the fact that my parents are still together, still in love, and still taking the same vacations to the exact same places after so many years.
I am thankful for having a brother that is as good a man, as caring a father, as devoted a husband, and as talented an engineer as there could ever be. Some people don't have siblings. Some people's brothers suck. Mine builds an arcade machine with every game imaginable for his kids, and keeps it downstairs in the sports cave so Colleen doesn't have to hear it.
On that note, I am thankful for having a sister in law and three nephews that are amazing human beings all. Many people aren't that lucky. I show up a couple times a year at most, and they all shower me with love every time.
I am thankful to have a family that is supportive of this crazy decision I made to move overseas. I know they really want me to buy a house down the street and have dinner with them weekly, yet they have been supportive of me every step of the way as I pursue this path that has taken me 5 time zones away. I've known many people whose families talked them out of following their dreams, so I appreciate how much easier my life is because my family honestly means it when they say they just want me to be happy.
Ditto for my friends. Let's face it, a lot of people are full of shit. It's easy to say "I'll be there if you need me," but how many people follow through on that when it isn't convenient? I am thankful for having friends that are so damn good that I miss them as much as I miss my family. I'm looking at you, Sammons, Pecchio, and Snyder families. There are no guarantees about meeting truly good people, and I am damn lucky to have met you.
I am thankful for being healthy. If you know me, you know healthy living is not my highest priority. If I weighed half a ton, had suffered 3 heart attacks already, and had teeth that were several shades of unpleasant, you'd probably think "Well, you were asking for it." I've had body issues all my life, but hell, I'm doing okay.
I am thankful for being able to love my career. Plenty of people just do what they have to do. I get to do exactly what I want to do, and I got to choose where to do it. I'll have to thank mom and dad for that one.
I am thankful for feeling appreciated at work. How many people can say that? How often have I been able to say that? I have had a month or so full of bosses, colleagues, and students singing my praises. I have a group of 12 year olds that made me a thanksgiving card because they thought I'd be homesick that day more than any other. I am very lucky at the moment.
I am thankful for having the opportunity to live in London. People ask me all the time why I moved here, and all I can say is "I just wanted to live here." They expected me to have been forced here by some unique circumstances, but no, I just wanted to live here. How many people can pick up and move abroad at 35 just because they want to?
I am also thankful for having people with a desire to read my thoughts. There is a little indicator on my blog that says how many people have read this, and you just made the number go up by one. Thank you for that.
We are thankful for you, too!